When men realise their moment of truth, it’s rare. It’s platinum.

2020 has been a year of unprecedented chaos and turmoil. These tough times have witnessed men in various walks of life be it entrepreneurs, business leaders, political leaders, partners, fathers or sons stand by their values, making those inconvenient choices when faced with a crisis, and they still continue to do so. Adversity is definitely the biggest test of character; of values and beliefs, one stands by. When faced with tough choices and standing at the crossroads a rare few managed to come through and make the right call, that was indeed their moment of truth! When they faced dilemmas, they chose the road less traveled, they redefined needs, wants, priorities and what truly mattered. They created a new definition of what it meant to rise to the occasion and be a man in these times. Carving a new meaning of success. A new interpretation of their role as leaders, as achievers, as partners, as fathers and as sons.

In the midst of these hard times, corporate leadership too saw a vast sea of change. It altered its discourse to include values like compassion, empathy, kindness, strength, resilience, perseverance and a new side of courage. Men who have been role models for others, channeled their masculinity to embrace these values. They stood out as rare slivers of light and hope by meeting their moment of truth with astounding resilience and unwavering faith in the values that now formed an integral part of their character. These men have not only weathered the storm but in fact, have emerged stronger than ever.

Men of Platinum’s latest collection and campaign shines the focus on this Moment of Truth in the wake of the current pandemic. The initiative is steered by a beautiful film that showcases a test of character, in a defining moment of reckoning.

What better metal than platinum with its new collection to pay tribute to such men. With its strength and higher density platinum withstands the test of time holding its form & naturally white colour forever. It also holds onto precious gems in intricate designs, real tight, making sure they stay secure. The metal is 30 times rarer than gold and is progressively becoming the metal of choice for young India. Its appeal lies in the values it stands for, the meaning embedded in each design, making it apt to mark any moment of personal significance. Its designs are innovative and reflective of international trends.


A man of platinum is known for his remarkable character, which never fails him. This collection is a celebration of the myriad values that come together to forge his constitution.

Solid, yet aerodynamic forms marked with intricate textures and indestructible links, come together to create a range that displays versatility, strength and poise. Defined by sleek contours and understated matt lustre, this bold dynamic collection is the perfect complement to those men who are able to hold their own through it all.

This statement kada, with platinum cuboids stacked closely together, represents a man who knows the worth of every brick in the wall. This piece of wrist-wear honours his ability to make the sum greater than its parts and is a reminder to carry others along with him as he makes way through challenges.

This bold pendant, crafted in rare platinum, carries a pattern of successive elevations, a reflection of resilience. The perfect complement to one’s perseverance, which doesn’t bow down to any situation. This rare quality is mirrored in platinum’s ability to hold its shape year after year, because of the metal’s inherent strength.

This sleek platinum bracelet comes with an unexpected fabric link, a reminder that solutions to the most difficult problems are often found through innovation. Men of character choose the strength of platinum as they pave their way through difficult times using it as an opportunity to adapt, innovate and continue on their journey forward.

Classy and rare, Men of Platinum is the true match for a man of platinum values. To shop the collection, click here.

Reference Link: https://www.gqindia.com/story/when-men-rise-up-to-their-moment-of-truth-its-rare-its-platinum/#s-cust0